Saturday, May 28, 2011

A perfect Friday night...

Jim and I dont always find ourselves with a night alone, but last night happened to be one of those nights.  Both boys were off doing their own things.  I had recently bought a picnic basket that I was itching to use (beats the old red cooler).  Little did I know, Jim had already planned a night out in Lawenceville, on the historic courthouse grounds, with a free concert.  A quick trip to Publix to stock the basket with fried chicken, pasta salad and a little banana pudding to share, and we were set. 

The weather was perfect, the picnic was delicious and the band ("Rack of Spam") was actually pretty good.  The best part of the evening was, of course, the company.  You see, after 20-ish years of marriage.... we still like to spend time together.  We talk and laugh and geniuinely have a good time with each other.  Its easy to do when you're married to your best friend! 

Monday, May 23, 2011

A MUST read.....

Have thoroughly enjoyed this book and would definitely recommend.  Whether you "crave" food, material items, social status, etc., it's a great book that brings God's plan for these desires back into refocus.  Read it and tell me what you think!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

In God's time... and no one elses!

The media buzz this week has been about the radio preacher who has predicted the rapture at 6:00 pm tonight.  I have been saddened by the media coverage... simply because the media tends to lean towards agnostic journalism, sometimes even "mocking" the thought that the rapture will be a real event.  Secondly, due to this man's "prediction", there may be alot of people who have made irrational decisions, or currently  live in "fear" of the prediction... thus, drinking the kool-aid. 

The Bible is clear:

Matthew 24: 34-37

Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled. Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away. But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

So if God decides the day and hour is today, tomorrow, next week, next month, next year... the main question is ARE YOU READY?  I am ready, having made preparations many years ago... accepting Jesus Christ as my Saviour.  For that, I am thankful and can have immense peace. 

So today, I'm cleaning house, entertaining dogs, catching up on some reading and then heading to dinner and movie with a friend tonight.... all with Peace in my heart.  If God's timing does happen to be tonight, I'll see you in Heaven. 

Thursday, May 19, 2011


Mom and Dad are making a trek to Indiana today, and I am dog-sitting for their puppy, Ollie.  Like Ramey, Ollie too is a Cavalier King Charles, so its good to get them together for play time and companionship.  Ollie is less 1  year old and Ramey will be 2 in September, so the age difference is obvious when it comes to their playtime.  Ollie stays in a perpetual "play" mode... Ramey stays in a perpetual "pant" mode from so much activity.  I liken it to the 14 year brother being bothered by the 5 year brother.  Its fun to watch. 

Ramey (left) and Ollie

Ramey - Perpetual "pant" stage

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Not sure what I was thinking....

When you enter the lottery for a Peachtree Road Race entry number, there's a 50/50 chance of being picked.  Pretty good odds, I'd say.... so, why was I surprised when the email came that I was picked? Hmmm... immediately, I started to wonder... what was I thinking? 

However, I remember that same feeling when I signed up for my first 5K in April, 2010 and I completed it, in the RAIN! 

Finish Line - Grayson 5K - April, 2010

The Peachtree is one of the items on my "Bucket List".  So, I'll go and I'll do my best to finish....  I'll cross this one off my list and I'll probably be thinking......NEVER AGAIN!  :)

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

No more "Little League"

Jim & I watched our last official "Little League" game last night as parents.  Granted, not one player on the 14U team that Dillon played on I would classify as "little", however it was the last game of his 8th grade  baseball season.  He played for the 14U Dacula Falcons this season, a inner-Gwinnett travel baseball team (GGBL).  We've played out of many parks during our 12 year stint in our current home, but this was  the one and only season of being a Falcon.  (I dont think I ever got used to saying that... and probably slipped up a time or two by saying Tigers).

The GGBL end of season tournament started last weekend, with the Championship game to be played at COOLRAY FIELD, home of the Gwinnett Braves.  This potential opportunity sparked lots of excitement in the players.  However, last night's 5-4 loss put that opportunity out of reach.  It was a tense, hard-fought game, but in the end, we just came up a little short. 

I had feelings of sadness and excitement during the ride home.  Sadness, because our children are older and we're no longer qualified to be "Little League" parents.  Excitement, because the next level, High School, is just around the corner, and that's something that Dillon is looking forward to. 

Good job 14U Dacula Falcons! 

Good job #20.  You made this Little League Mama proud for many years. 

Friday, May 13, 2011

Some days, I just dont like Dave.......

Jim and I started the Dave Ramsey "Financial Peace University" in February of this year.  We've been married for over 20 years, and truly never lived by a budget.  We never really knew where our money went.... we just knew it went and went quickly!  We didnt enter the program with loads of debt like others we met along the way, but really just wanted to attend to become more fiscally responsible, basing our spending on Christian morals, etc. 

Dave Ramsey tells it like it is.... and we jumped right in abiding by his suggestions.  Cash for all purchases, monthly budget with no overage, etc. 

Some days, I miss the frivoulous purchases... some days I miss the pedicures whenever I wanted them, and some days I miss the Starbucks and Smoothie purchases.
We live by a new motto:  WWDD?  What would Dave Do?  Ughhh... Somedays, its just not fun. 

But, I will love Dave when we have my car paid off 1 year early!  So today, I just deal with Dave and his rules!  And throw away the Kohls flyer, that happpens to be calling my name.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

A compliment, I think.....

Tyler is home from college this week... a short break before Maymester starts.  (By the way, can I just say that he did great in his first year of college and we are so proud of him!)

I work from home and was on a conference call for work.  I mentioned to the person I was meeting with that my son was home from college.  He honestly went silent for a few seconds.  We've never met in person, so he had that "voice image" of me going me.  He then said..  "Emily, I have to ask... how old are you?  You absolutely dont SOUND like you are old enough to have a son in college!"

SCORE!   Thank goodness it wasnt a video-conference call! 

Monday, May 9, 2011

A Dog Lover

Ramey in his chair in my office

I was never a dog lover growing up.  We had a dog, she was cute... but to step out and say "I love dogs", I never would.  We've even had dogs since Jim and I got married, but they didnt seem to be ones that I connected with.  That changed on my 40th birthday.  I became A Dog lover.... not a lover of ALL dogs, but of THIS dog.  Jim gave Ramey to me as a surprise gift for my 40th birthday. 

I love this dog......His name is Ramey Roscoe.  He is my constant companion.  We spend alot of time together since Jim travels most weeks.  He listens to all I talk about, and still looks at me like I hung the moon.  He loves me unconditionally.

But, the reason that I think I love him so much goes back to Jim giving him to me.  At the time, Jim really was against getting a dog... time, cost, etc... all the normal reasons why some people choose not to be pet owners.  But, our life was changing... the boys were getting older (Tyler almost off to college) and I suppose he thought a dog will fill a void that was bound to happen.  Jim gave him to me because he knew how happy it would make me... he sacrificed his feelings for my happiness. 

I call that day the "day I knew how much Jim loved me".  He placed Ramey in my arms and it was instant love.  AND what's an even better part of the story today..... Jim loves him just as much as I do!
My 40th birthday, Nov, 2009

Sunday, May 8, 2011

The reasons I love being a mom

Here are the best reasons I love being a mom.....

April, 2011

What a joy and privilege it is to be their MOM!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Junk car flyers

We occassionally get flyers taped to our mailbox that say "We'll buy junk cars you may have".... Should I be offended?  Do our cars look junky?  :)  I look around and the other neighbors dont get the same flyers.  Are we special? 

I'm assuming its the number of cars we have in our garage/driveway that leads to this sales pitch.

But, what people dont understand is..... 5 cars may appear to be alot, but what 5 cars represents to me is.......... EVERYONE IS AT HOME and ALL IS WELL!

So keep those flyers coming....

Friday, May 6, 2011

A man and his truck

Last fall, Jim came across a good deal on a 4 wheel drive truck, just like he wanted.  We have been married 20 years, and he's always wanted a full size 4x4.  So the timing was right to purchase and he did.  He's made some changes to it.... dual exhaust which the neighbors no doubt love

The latest project is a lift kit and new rims/tires.  Now, this is apparently a very important decision for a man about his truck... he's labored and thought about exactly what he wanted, what he could do himself, etc.

The project ended yesterday and below is a picture of his truck.  His smile was priceless when he pulled in... something about a man and his truck.  Jim's a very self-less person, always thinking about others before himself.  It thrills my heart to see him so excited about something, even though I dont quite understand the big fuss.. sort of like, his lack of understanding on the "girly" things that have thrilled me over the years. 

Of course, both of the boys were anxious to take it for a spin.  When I drove it this am to take Dillon to school, I felt completely out of my element.  I'll stick with my Jeep and leave the Truck to him.


Thursday, May 5, 2011

Have to vs. Get to

Ok... I admit it.  I dont particulary like to cook and I dont like to grocery shop.  Today, I have to go to the grocery store and I have to cook dinner most nights.  I started thinking today.... what if I changed my mind-set on these two items to:  instead of HAVE to, I GET to...........

  • I GET to go to the grocery store because I have gas in the car to get there... because I have money in my  pocket to buy the food.
  • I GET to cook dinner tonight because I have a family at home... because I have a nice kitchen to cook in... because I have electricity to work the stove (or microwave!)

Its a completely different perspective.... I'm going to try harder to look at my HAVE to's as GET to's..... What HAVE to's do you GET to?

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Follow your Bliss

I frequently get complimented on my name, specifically last name (BLISS).  I think for some, it sounds light and jovial and conjers up a sense of happiness.  I get the occassional "like marital Bliss"..... I say yes, just like that.... after all BLISS, is not just my last name....its who I married, its who I am, and its the family legacy will carry on .... and that definitely conjers up a sense happiness inside of me!

Follow your Bliss.........

One of my favorite frames
Christmas - 2010

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Its a great time to be a Tiger

Dillon starts Spring practice today for High School football.... He starts 9th grade in the Fall, but AHS has a Spring week for rising Freshman.  Time feels like its stood still for me because I truly feel like I was just sitting at his first football practice when he was a 6 year old.

Dillon lives, eats, breathes football.  Archer HS is just a couple of years old, so the program is just getting off the ground.  He's ok with that because its GA 5A football, and that's all he's ever dreamed about playing.  For him, its just a great time to be a Tiger.

For Jim and I.... its about watching him chase his dreams and cheering from the sidelines.

Dillon - Archer 8th grade football

Monday, May 2, 2011

I still remember

I still remember where I was when 9/11 happened.  I still remember the feelings of sadness, and trying to explain to our children what happened.  I remember closing my eyes that night knowing our world would never be the same. 

News came this am regarding the capture and death of Osama bin Laden.  I didnt go to the streets and cheer, although a sense of relief was felt for those who had suffered such devastating losses during 9/11.  I also felt a sense of accomplishment for our military who stayed the course in trying to bring justice.  Our Christian nation prevailed against this cruel tyrant. 

I'm not to judge, but am somewhat confident of his final destination.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Flipping the calendar

I'm a calendar freak.... I have 2 (one monthly and one weekly).  Sometimes they are not in sync, but it still gives me much joy to write and plan on both.  I love flipping the calendars, which I get to do each week on my office calendar... goodbye last week, hello new schedule.  But the monthly calendar, I only get to flip once a month.  When I do, I find myself thinking.... what was I doing this month a year ago?  For instance, May 2010 was a blur.... It was a month of graduation planning/anticipation, etc. 

May, 2010 - Graduation day

Senior locker decoration

So, what does May, 2011 hold?  Not sure........

What does the next 12 months hold?  Not sure either.....

I'm glad I know who holds both.  For now, I'm taking joy in seeing another month and flipping the calendar.